Correction to: Journal of Human Genetics, published online 13 December 2022

The authors of this paper noticed an error in publication.

Whole exome analysis was performed only in the patient, but not in the trio. Accordingly, the paper was corrected as described below. The author sincerely apologizes for the mistake.


Page 2, left column, “Whole-exome sequencing” section:

“Whole-exome sequencing performed on the patient and her parents as previously described[9].” should be “Whole-exome sequencing was performed in the patient as previously described[9].”


Page 3, left column, “Whole-exome sequencing analysis” section:

“Trio-based whole-exome sequencing was performed in the patient. The mean read coverage was 63.0× and an average of 97.5% of coding sequences were covered by 20 or more reads in the patient.” should be “Whole-exome sequencing was performed only in the patient. The mean read coverage was 63.0× and an average of 97.5% of coding sequences were covered by 20 or more reads in the patient.”

The original article has been corrected.