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Equitable hiring strategies towards a diversified faculty

We provide a roadmap for overhauling faculty-hiring processes to eliminate barriers of entry to historically excluded groups.

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K.M., M.L.K., D.D.C. and G.C.F. acknowledge funding by the National Science Foundation (CAREER 2047017, CAREER 1944448, CAREER 2149946 and EEC-1160494, respectively).

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All authors contributed equally to all aspects of this piece, from conceptualization through to the writing and editing.

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Correspondence to Elizabeth M. Cosgriff-Hernandez.

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The authors are all members of BME UNITE, a group of biomedical engineering faculty in the United States who are educating themselves about DEI, improving the representation of their communities, and combating racism in STEM.

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Cosgriff-Hernandez, E.M., Aguado, B.A., Akpa, B. et al. Equitable hiring strategies towards a diversified faculty. Nat. Biomed. Eng 7, 961–968 (2023).

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