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Halting generative AI advancements may slow down progress in climate research

Large language models offer an opportunity to advance climate and sustainability research. We believe that a focus on regulation and validation of generative artificial intelligence models would provide more benefits to society than a halt in development.

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F.L., F.F.N. and R.V. acknowledge financial support from the Digital Futures, Demonstrator Projects program. S.H. is partially funded by project PID2021-128676OB-I00 at Ministerio de Ciencia, innovación y Universidades / FEDER. J.A.C. is partially funded by grant PID2021-124618NB-C21, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ‘ERDF A way of making Europe’ by the European Union.

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Larosa, F., Hoyas, S., García-Martínez, J. et al. Halting generative AI advancements may slow down progress in climate research. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 497–499 (2023).

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