
Ocular Oncology

Ocular oncology occupies a unique position in ophthalmology. Not only are these conditions sight threatening, but they are also capable of eye loss, and many have the potential to shorten life. This issue, borne out of the symposium “Ocular Oncology Demystified” at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, is dedicated to our late colleagues, Victoria Cohen, FRCOphth and John Hungerford, FRCS, FRCOphth.

Image Legend: A vertical section through a right eye showing a ciliochoroidal melanoma invading the chamber angle. The tumour has breached Bruch’s membrane and invaded the retina forming a small mass which is indenting and displacing the lens.

Contributor: Dr Fiona Roberts, Consultant Ocular Pathologist, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow

Section through eye showing a ciliochoroidal melanoma invading the chamber



Brief Communications
