Archaeal biology articles within Nature


  • Article |

    Bacteria and archaea use cyclic oligoadenylate molecules as part of the CRISPR system for antiviral defence; here, a family of viral enzymes that rapidly degrades cyclic oligoadenylates is identified and biochemically and structurally described.

    • Januka S. Athukoralage
    • , Stephen A. McMahon
    •  & Malcolm F. White
  • Letter |

    When all origins of replication are deleted from the archaeon Haloferax volcanii, homologous recombination is used to initiate DNA replication and the growth rate is accelerated.

    • Michelle Hawkins
    • , Sunir Malla
    •  & Thorsten Allers
  • Letter |

    The oxidation of formate and water to bicarbonate and H2 is relatively common in microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. But can this reaction sustain growth in an isolated species? Here it is shown that several individual Thermococcus species can use formate oxidation for growth. Moreover, the biochemical basis of this ability is delineated.

    • Yun Jae Kim
    • , Hyun Sook Lee
    •  & Sung Gyun Kang