Biophysics articles within Communications Materials


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Cyanobacteria convert light and energy into physical movement. Here, the effect of light intensity gradients on the motion of dense bacterial filaments is investigated, revealing self-assembly of 2D and 3D active nematic states, and changes in orientational and velocity order parameters.

    • Andrii Repula
    • , Colin Gates
    •  & Ivan I. Smalyukh
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Catch bonds exist in some protein-ligand complexes and are of interest for their increased lifetime under greater mechanical force. Here, a mathematical model for nanoparticles tethered with macromolecules shows catch-bond behavior, which may be useful for designing synthetic materials.

    • Kerim C. Dansuk
    • , Subhadeep Pal
    •  & Sinan Keten