DNA computing articles within Nature


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Examination of nucleation during self-assembly of multicomponent structures illustrates how ubiquitous molecular phenomena inherently classify high-dimensional patterns of concentrations in a manner similar to neural network computation.

    • Constantine Glen Evans
    • , Jackson O’Brien
    •  & Arvind Murugan
  • Article |

     Mimicking traditional digital neural networks with DNA-encoded ‘enzymatic’ neurons overcomes issues with other chemical approaches, and could allow notable increases in miniaturization and molecular implementation of these AI models, with potential applications including DNA data storage or cancer diagnosis.

    • S. Okumura
    • , G. Gines
    •  & A. J. Genot
  • Letter |

    A set of 355 self-assembling DNA ‘tiles’ can be reprogrammed to implement many different computer algorithms—including sorting, palindrome testing and divisibility by three—suggesting that molecular self-assembly could be a reliable algorithmic component in programmable chemical systems.

    • Damien Woods
    • , David Doty
    •  & Erik Winfree