Excitability articles within Nature


  • Article |

    Dissociative states in mouse and human brains are traced to low-frequency rhythmic neural activity—with distinct molecular, cellular and physiological properties—in the deep retrosplenial cortex and the posteromedial cortex.

    • Sam Vesuna
    • , Isaac V. Kauvar
    •  & Karl Deisseroth
  • Letter |

    The function of the KCNH family of potassium channels is critical for the repolarization of the cardiac action potential and the regulation of neuronal excitability; here, the X-ray crystal structure of the cyclic-nuclotide-binding homology domain of the zebrafish ELK channel is reported.

    • Tinatin I. Brelidze
    • , Anne E. Carlson
    •  & William N. Zagotta
  • Letter |

    It has recently been shown that neurons in the lateral habenula (LHb), a nucleus that projects to midbrain reward areas, can signal aversive outcomes and may be disrupted in depressive disorders. This study now shows that in rats exhibiting learned helplessness (a model of major depression) excitatory synapses onto LHb neurons are potentiated, and that this correlates with helplessness behaviour. Furthermore, depleting transmitter release by repeated electrical stimulation of LHb using a protocol similar to deep brain stimulation rescues both synaptic changes and learned helplessness behaviour.

    • Bo Li
    • , Joaquin Piriz
    •  & Roberto Malinow
  • News & Views |

    Neurons generate their output signal — the action potential — in a distinct region of the axon called the initial segment. The location and extent of this trigger zone can be modified by neural activity to control excitability.

    • Jan Gründemann
    •  & Michael Häusser
  • Letter |

    Large-conductance Ca2+-gated K+ (BK) channels are essential for many biological processes, such as smooth muscle contraction and neurotransmitter release. Here, the X-ray crystal structure is presented of the entire cytoplasmic region of the human BK channel in a Ca2+-free state. Moreover, a voltage-gated K+ channel pore of known structure is 'docked' onto the gating ring to generate a structural model for the full BK channel.

    • Yunkun Wu
    • , Yi Yang
    •  & Youxing Jiang
  • Letter |

    A nerve cell sends signals to others through action potentials, which begin at the 'initial segment' of the neuron's axon. It is now shown that changes in electrical activity can alter the position of this initial segment in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. The resulting increase in intrinsic excitability — the tendency to fire action potentials — represents a new form of neuronal plasticity and could provide a new target in the control of epilepsy.

    • Matthew S. Grubb
    •  & Juan Burrone