Lamellipodia articles within Nature


  • Article |

    This study describes a fast, clathrin-independent endocytic pathway mediated by endophilin, dynamin and actin; the pathway is activated by ligand binding to a variety of cargo receptors, and endophilin-mediated endocytosis occurs primarily at the leading edges of cells where lamellipodin and the lipid PtdIns(3,4)P2 ensure endophilin targeting.

    • Emmanuel Boucrot
    • , Antonio P. A. Ferreira
    •  & Harvey T. McMahon
  • Letter |

    A new protein, Arpin, is identified that inhibits the Arp2/3 complex and controls cell migration by decreasing cell speed and the directional persistence of migration; this inhibitory circuit is under the control of the small GTPase Rac1, and Arpin depletion causes faster lamellipodia protrusion and increased cell migration.

    • Irene Dang
    • , Roman Gorelik
    •  & Alexis Gautreau