Mitotic spindle articles within Nature


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Histone deacetylation at the onset of mitosis induces a chromatin-intrinsic phase transition that endows chromosomes with the physical characteristics necessary for their precise movement during cell division.

    • Maximilian W. G. Schneider
    • , Bryan A. Gibson
    •  & Daniel W. Gerlich
  • Article |

    Acentrosomal assembly of the mitotic spindle upon inhibition of the PLK4 protein is shown to depend on the ubiquitin ligase TRIM37, with implications for the use of PLK4 inhibitors to treat neuroblastoma and breast cancer.

    • Franz Meitinger
    • , Midori Ohta
    •  & Karen Oegema
  • Letter |

    The Drosophila tumour suppressors Scribbled and Discs large 1 are found to be essential regulators of planar spindle alignment during epithelial cell division; aberrant effects of spindle alignment are shown to be corrected through apoptosis, and the suppression of this mechanism can result in epithelial dysplasia and tumorigenesis.

    • Yu-ichiro Nakajima
    • , Emily J. Meyer
    •  & Matthew C. Gibson
  • Letter |

    The mitotic spindle plays a key part in determining the site of the cleavage furrow in dividing metazoan cells. But are other mechanisms also involved? Here evidence is provided for a spindle-independent pathway for furrow positioning that occurs during asymmetric divisions of Drosophila neuroblast cells. The pathway involves the Pins protein complex, which polarizes furrow-forming proteins to the basal cortex of the cell. This mechanism might also occur in other highly polarized cell types.

    • Clemens Cabernard
    • , Kenneth E. Prehoda
    •  & Chris Q. Doe