REM sleep articles within Nature


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Electrophysiological recordings in sleeping bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) reveal a type of interhemispheric competition that is detected in the claustrum but generated in the midbrain, and only during rapid-eye-movement sleep.

    • Lorenz A. Fenk
    • , Juan Luis Riquelme
    •  & Gilles Laurent
  • Article |

    Fluorescence-based polysomnography in zebrafish reveals two major sleep signatures that share features with those of amniotes, which suggests that common neural sleep signatures emerged in the vertebrate brain over 450 million years ago.

    • Louis C. Leung
    • , Gordon X. Wang
    •  & Philippe Mourrain
  • Outlook |

    One of sleep's most important functions is processing memory. Researchers are now starting to figure out how the brain helps us learn when we're asleep.

    • Kerri Smith
  • Outlook |

    Sleep disturbances may be an early sign of neurodegenerative diseases — but could sleep deficits cause these conditions in the first place?

    • Moheb Costandi
  • Outlook |

    The causal relationships between lack of sleep and mood disorders remain murky. But one thing is clear as day: better sleep can have psychological benefits.

    • Sarah DeWeerdt