Rheology articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    Dense suspensions of hard granular particles can transform from liquid-like to solid-like when perturbed; a state diagram is mapped out that reveals how this transformation can occur via dynamic jamming at sufficiently large shear stress while leaving the particle density unchanged.

    • Ivo R. Peters
    • , Sayantan Majumdar
    •  & Heinrich M. Jaeger
  • News & Views |

    You can run across a swimming pool filled with a mixture of cornflour and water, but you sink if you stand still. Conventional understanding of this phenomenon is now being turned on its head. See Letter p.205

    • Martin van Hecke
  • Letter |

    What defines the boundary between the Earth's lithosphere and asthenosphere? Here it is shown experimentally that the instability of the hydrous mineral pargasite at depths greater than about 90 km causes a sharp drop in the water-storage capacity of a fertile upper-mantle mineralogy, and accordingly a sharp drop in its solidus temperate. This effect might define the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary.

    • David H. Green
    • , William O. Hibberson
    •  & Anja Rosenthal