Signal processing articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    Little is known about how individual cells within a group of cells exposed to the same external signals can produce a specific individual response to their local microenvironment; a quantitative analysis of cell crowding reveals that single cells can autonomously sense local crowding though their ability to spread and activate focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which ultimately results in changes in cellular lipid composition.

    • Mathieu Frechin
    • , Thomas Stoeger
    •  & Lucas Pelkmans
  • Letter |

    A mathematical method, known as ergodic rate analysis, has been developed and used to study the rates of molecular events from single time measurements of large populations of fixed cells; this new method is able to overcome some of the previous limitations with regards to studying cell-size control.

    • Ran Kafri
    • , Jason Levy
    •  & Marc W. Kirschner