Viral membrane fusion articles within Nature


  • Article |

    We demonstrate that the transmembrane protease TMPRSS2 is a receptor for coronavirus HKU1; it triggers HKU1-mediated cell–cell fusion and viral entry by binding to both HKU1A and HKU1B spikes.

    • Nell Saunders
    • , Ignacio Fernandez
    •  & Olivier Schwartz
  • Letter |

    New high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structures of the HIV-1 envelope protein provide a detailed description and understanding of how the HIV-1 fusion machinery functions and how it changes its structure over time to convert from the pre-fusion to the fusion-intermediate conformation.

    • Gabriel Ozorowski
    • , Jesper Pallesen
    •  & Andrew B. Ward
  • Letter |

    The high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of a pre-fusion coronavirus spike trimer from mouse hepatitis virus is presented; the structure reveals architectural similarities to paramyxovirus F proteins, suggesting that these fusion proteins may have evolved from a distant common ancestor.

    • Alexandra C. Walls
    • , M. Alejandra Tortorici
    •  & David Veesler
  • Letter |

    The crystal structure of rubella virus E1 glycoprotein in its post-fusion form reveals a class II fusion protein with distinct features so far unseen in any other crystallized fusion protein; the location of an antibody-neutralization epitope also suggests that rubella-specific antibodies may function through prevention of E1 glycoprotein trimer formation during cell entry.

    • Rebecca M. DuBois
    • , Marie-Christine Vaney
    •  & Félix A. Rey