Correction to: The Journal of Antibiotics published online 08 June 2023

The authors of the above article have noticed that prodrug contezolid acefosamil (3) was incorrectly stated as being approved rather than contezolid (4). This has been corrected throughout the review.

The changes are below:

In the sentence in the third paragraph of the introduction beginning “The new antibacterial drugs approved since the previous 2019 review…”, “contezolid acefosamil (3)” should have been “contezolid (4)”.

In Table 1, the drug name “contezolid acefosamil (3) (prodrug)” should have been “contezolid (4)”, without “(prodrug)”.

In the sentence beginning “Since the 2019 review…”, in paragraph 2 of the section “Antibacterial drugs launched from January 2013 to December 2022”, “contezolid acefosamil (3)” should have been “contezolid (4)”.

In the fourth paragraph of the section “Antibacterial drugs launched from January 2013 to December 2022”, several changes have been made. In the first sentence, “Contezolid acefosamil (3)” has been changed to “Contezolid (4)”, “(Youxitai, MRX-4, po)” has been changed to “(Youxitai, MRX-1, IV)”, and the word “prodrug” has been removed. In the third sentence, “(MRX-1)” has been removed, and “3” has been changed to “contezolid acefosamil (3)”. In the fourth sentence, “The prodrug” has been changed to “The prodrug 3”.

In the “Conclusion and outlook” section, in the sentence beginning “There were only two new small molecule antibacterial drugs…”, “the oxazolidinone contezolid acefosamil (3)” should have read “the oxazolidinone contezolid (4)”.

In addition, there was also an error in the “New antibacterial pharmacophore analysis” section where it was stated that gepotidacin (10) inhibited GyrB and not GyrA. The mode of action of gepotidacin (10) is correctly described elsewhere in the review. GyrB has been corrected to GyrA.

The original article has been corrected.