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Differential replay of reward and punishment paths predicts approach and avoidance



Neural replay is implicated in planning, where states relevant to a task goal are rapidly reactivated in sequence. It remains unclear whether, during planning, replay relates to an actual prospective choice. Here, using magnetoencephalography (MEG), we studied replay in human participants while they planned to either approach or avoid an uncertain environment containing paths leading to reward or punishment. We find evidence for forward sequential replay during planning, with rapid state-to-state transitions from 20 to 90 ms. Replay of rewarding paths was boosted, relative to aversive paths, before a decision to avoid and attenuated before a decision to approach. A trial-by-trial bias toward replaying prospective punishing paths predicted irrational decisions to approach riskier environments, an effect more pronounced in participants with higher trait anxiety. The findings indicate a coupling of replay with planned behavior, where replay prioritizes an online representation of a worst-case scenario for approaching or avoiding.

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Fig. 1: Decision trials.
Fig. 2: Behavioral results.
Fig. 3: State classification and replay analysis.
Fig. 4: Replay of prospective reward and loss paths.
Fig. 5: Beamforming analysis on replay onsets.

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Data are freely available on the Open Science Framework: Source data are provided with this paper.

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All code for the experimental paradigm and analysis pipeline is freely available on GitHub:


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We thank T. Wise and P. Sharp for their helpful discussions about the study design. This work is supported by the Wellcome Trust (098362/A/12/Z and 091593/Z/10/Z supporting R.J.D. and J.M., respectively). Y.L. is supported by the National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Program (2022ZD0205500) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32271093). The Max Planck University College London Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research is a joint initiative supported by University College London and the Max Planck Society. The Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging is supported by core funding from the Wellcome Trust (203147/Z/16/Z). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.

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J.M. designed the experiment with input from Y.L. J.M. collected data, and J.M. and Y.L. wrote the analysis code. J.M. and Y.L. interpreted data with input from R.J.D. J.M. wrote the manuscript with input and edits from Y.L. and R.J.D.

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Correspondence to Jessica McFadyen.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Neuroscience thanks Philippe Albouy and Matthijs van der Meer for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Experimental paradigm.

(a) All 12 stimuli used in the experiment. Six stimuli were pseudo-randomly allocated to each participant, per session, ensuring equal allocation of each stimulus. (b) For visualisation purposes, stimuli are represented by letters: A, B, and C for path 1, and D, E, and F for path 2. In an initial functional localiser in session 2, participants viewed an image and then reported the correct label (left or right). Correct and incorrect responses produced a green or red fixation cross, respectively. (c) To learn the image order, participants selected either Path 1 or Path 2 (forced-choice, 2 selections of each) and then observed an animation of the sequence of states along each path. Participants were then tested on their memory for the image order. (d) After image learning, participants observed the animated sequences again but this time with the value of each state displayed underneath each image. Participants were tested on their memory for the values associated with each state, as well as their ability to calculate the cumulative sum at different states. (e) Two protocols were used, counterbalanced across participants. One such protocol is shown. The designation of the odd rule to one state per path (first row) dictated the final value of each path (second row). One path was mostly negative (here, starting with path 1; circles) and the other mostly positive (here, starting with path 2; triangles), with the exception of catch trials (marked in yellow). This tendency switched halfway through the experiment. The transition probability (third row) to each path, in combination with the path value, dictated the expected value of approaching (fourth row). Expected value was a sum of each path’s value weighted by its probability. When the expected value was greater than 1 (which was guaranteed outcome of avoiding), participants should approach (green); otherwise, participants should avoid (red).

Extended Data Fig. 2 Classifier confusion matrices.

(a) Temporal generalisation matrix for classifiers trained (x axis) and tested (y axis) across all time points. Five-fold cross-validated accuracy is displayed, averaged across all participants (N = 26) and all six states. (b) Confusion matrices for all six states (x axis = trained, y axis = tested) per classifier training time. Five-fold cross-validated accuracy is averaged across all participants (N = 26).

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 3 Extending replay intervals from 600 ms to 3 seconds.

(a) Evidence for forwards-minus-backwards sequenceness (averaged across subjects with shaded standard error) during planning for state-to-state intervals from 0 to 3 seconds, in steps of 10 ms. Only replay within an original analysis window of lags from 0 to 600 ms exceeded the significance threshold (dashed horizontal line; shaded error indicates standard error of the mean). (b) Same as A, except only sequenceness for lags from 600 ms to 3 seconds were considered in the permutation threshold, to give a more conservative significance threshold (by excluding shorter lags known to produce stronger sequenceness estimates). No sequenceness estimates exceeded the significance threshold.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 4 Modulation of path replay by experience and expectations.

(a) Replay strength (y axis) during planning as predicted by a model containing path type (reward or loss), path experience (x axis), and path transition probability (darker lines indicate higher transition probability). Evidence of rewarding path replay increased when rewarding paths had not been experienced for longer, whereas the opposite was true for punishing paths. This was most prominent when rewarding paths were more likely to be transitioned to. (b) Replay strength (y axis) during planning was not significantly predicted by a model containing path probability (x axis) and choice (approach or avoid).

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Extended Data Fig. 5 Behavioural modelling.

(a) Model specificity, as shown by the proportion of times each fitted model (rows) was the best fit for data simulated by different models (columns). (b) Expected task performance of different strategies, as indexed by model fit (BIC) to rational responses. (c) Group-level estimates of model fit. BIC scores (y axis) are shown for each model (x axis), where BIC has been subtracted from the worst-performing model to make higher numbers indicate better fit. (d) Pie chart of winning model per subject. Solid outlines indicate ‘mental arithmetic’ models, dashed outlines indicate ‘learn path value’ models, and dotted outlines indicates ‘learn odd rule positions’ models.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 6 Overall reactivation of states along reward and loss paths during planning.

To estimate overall state reactivation, we conducted a GLM on the probabilistic state reactivation time series per trial, comparing overall reactivation of rewarding vs punishing paths. The resultant beta coefficients for each path’s overall state reactivation were entered into two linear mixed effects models: model 9 predicting state reactivation [Reactivation ~ (Choice × Path Type) + RT + (1 | Subject)] and model 10 predicting sequenceness [Sequenceness ~ (Choice × Path Type) + Reactivation) + RT + (1 | Subject / Lag)]. Note that trials with state reactivation coefficients more than 5 standard deviations from the group mean were excluded (0.03% of trials). (a) Estimated marginal means from linear mixed effects model (on N = 24 participants), where choice and path type (rewarding or punishing, green and red respectively) predicted state reactivation coefficient. There was significantly greater (p = 0.028) reactivation for rewarding than punishing paths (significance given by a two-tailed statistic using a Satterhwaite approximation, and error bars indicate 95% confidence interval – same for B and C). (b) Similar model to A, except that this model predicted sequenceness, and also state reactivation was included as a fixed effect. An interaction between choice and path type on sequenceness was significant (p = 3.023E-6), even when controlling for reactivation. (c) Same model as B but showing the effect of state reactivation on sequenceness (p = 8.542E-14). * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001.

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McFadyen, J., Liu, Y. & Dolan, R.J. Differential replay of reward and punishment paths predicts approach and avoidance. Nat Neurosci 26, 627–637 (2023).

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