
Beating the bug: Imaging infections across all scales

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Many diseases that limit our life expectancy and quality result from invading microorganisms. Responses to these pathogens range from triggering acute inflammation and harming organ function, to inducing auto-immunity. Or, more subtly, tweaking the functional orientation of our immune system by continuously seeking interactions that disturb effective clearance of pathogens. Our immune system is ingeniously designed to maintain this delicate symbiosis with the microbial flora, which far outnumbers the cells in our body and covers multiple tissue surfaces. Key features to this end include high mobility and rapid lines of communication by immune cells, together acting across multiple body compartments in a highly dynamic way. ‘Beating the bug’, therefore, requires a thorough understanding of this interplay, from molecular and organ level, to whole-person and communities.

Our imaging toolbox requires technologies that span this broad range. This npj Imaging collection encourages the imaging community to showcase the potential and application of imaging to visualize microorganisms, including, but not limited to:
• pathogen interaction with antibiotics
• the local effects of cellular and non-cellular host responses on organ function
• immune cell trafficking and activation across body compartments

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Human body medical scan


Please follow the steps detailed on this page, to prepare your manuscript for submission. Submissions are handled via our online submission system. During the submission process, under the “Details” tab, you will be asked whether you are submitting to a Collection. Please select "Beating the bug: imaging infections across all scales". Please be sure to express your interest in the Collection clearly in your cover letter.