
3D Bioprinting

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Living tissues, the fundamental structural basis for exercising life functions, are three-dimensional ordered arrangements of cells, matrix, and biomaterials. The in-vitro generation of tissues with predefined properties facilitates the emulation of organs and the modeling of pathogenic processes, thereby advancing developmental biology, regenerative medicine, and precision medicine. Initially, tissue construction in the laboratory entailed laborious, intricate, and technically challenging processes. Recently, the arising 3D bioprinting technology has revolutionized tissue engineering by enabling the assembly of cells, proteins, and hydrogels into living structures with 3D printers, which has benefited in scaling up the production and streamlining the process, as well as enhancing precision and ensuring reproducibility within defined tissue production.

This collection seeks original research across diverse facets of 3D bioprinting in a broader scope, encompassing bioprinting technique (photo-etching, deposition, and novel printer designs), evolving biomaterial (bio-inks), demonstrable applications, pivotal analytical tools for elucidating the process, as well as the broadly defined biological and clinical applications of 3D printing. Beyond tissue engineering, this collection embraces broad applications of biofabrication, including in vitro and in vivo modeling of tissues and organs, drug screening, comprehension of developmental processes, disease modeling and prognosis, and functional therapy.

This Collection welcomes original research on all aspects of 3D Bioprinting.

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Closeup of 3D printer printing


  • Alok Kumar, PhD

    Cardiovascular Research Center, Harvard Medical School, United States

  • Swee Leong Sing, PhD

    Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Elnaz Tamjid, PhD

    Department of Nanobiotechnology, Department of Biomaterials, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

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