
T cells in cardiovascular diseases: Relevance to inflammation, lipid disorders, and energy metabolism

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T cells are pivotal players in the intricate landscape of cardiovascular immunity, exerting influence across various dimensions. They wield the power to initiate inflammation and reshape the functionality of vascular cells, thereby driving the progression of atherosclerosis and the formation of arterial plaques. Moreover, T cells hold sway over lipid accumulation and the modulation of macrophage function, pivotal elements in the development and advancement of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Yet, it is imperative to acknowledge that T cells also assume a protective role in specific stages of CVD, orchestrating tissue repair, angiogenesis, and the resolution of inflammation. Noteworthy are the T regulatory cells, adept at quelling immune responses and curbing inflammation, thus presenting a potential therapeutic benefit in the realm of CVD. Recent investigations have illuminated the regulation of T cell function by cell metabolism and the surrounding microenvironment. Unraveling these mechanisms offers promise in identifying novel therapeutic targets, potentially revolutionizing treatment outcomes for individuals grappling with these debilitating diseases.

This Research Topic is dedicated to spotlighting the latest strides in the field of T cells and their involvement in CVD. We focus on dissecting the intricate interplay between inflammation, lipid disorders, cell metabolic pathways, and the differentiation/activation of T cells, delving into how this dynamic becomes perturbed under pathological conditions. Our ultimate aspiration is to garner a deeper understanding of T cell function in the context of CVD and to unearth strategies to restore normal T cell activity, ultimately stemming the tide or impeding the progression of CVD.

We eagerly invite original research articles that unveil novel insights in fundamental, basic, or clinical disciplines, as well as timely reviews that home in on the pivotal role of T cells in cardiovascular diseases. The scope of this Research Topic encompasses, but is by no means confined to, the following domains:

  • The role of recently identified T cell subtypes, unveiled through the cutting-edge methodologies of single-cell sequencing and analytical technologies, both in the realm of health and in the context of CVD.
  • The pivotal involvement of T cells in the inflammatory processes that underlie cardiovascular diseases.
  • The intricate dance between T cells and disorders in lipid metabolism, shedding light on their symbiotic relationship in the context of CVD.
  • The realm of immunometabolism, wherein the altered function of T cells exerts its influence on the landscape of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Novel methodologies for monitoring and steering T cell responses within the specific context of CVDs, holding promise for innovative therapeutic interventions.
  • Dynamic shifts in the pathogenesis of CVD, propelled by the interplay between distinct subtypes of T cells.
  • The cross-talk between T cells and other cell types, encompassing endothelial cells and macrophages, as they collectively shape the tapestry of CVD.
  • The intricate mechanisms governing the differentiation and activation of T cells in the specific context of CVD.

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 3.

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T lymphocyte showing round and big nucleus and membrane receptors TCR in 3d illustration


  • Xiang Cheng, MD, PhD, FACC

    Department of Cardiology, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

  • Yi-mei Du, PhD, MD

    Department of Cardiology, Research Center of Ion Channelopathy, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

The Collection will publish original research Articles, Reviews, Perspectives and Comments (full details on content types can be found here). Papers will be published in npj Cardiovascular Health as soon as they are accepted and then collected together and promoted on the Collection homepage. All Guest Edited Collections are associated with a call for papers and are managed by one or more of our Editorial Board Members and the journal's Editors.

This Collection welcomes submissions from all authors – and not by invitation only – on the condition that the manuscripts fall within the scope of the Collection and of npj Cardiovascular Health more generally. See our editorial process page for more details. 

All submissions are subject to the same peer review process and editorial standards as regular npj Cardiovascular Health articles, including the journal’s policy on competing interests. The Editor has no competing interests with the submissions, which they handle through the peer-review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Editor has competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests. See our Collections guidelines for more details.