Cadherins articles within Nature


  • Article |

    Using micropipette aspiration on donated human embryos, cell surface tensions during compaction were mapped, indicating a role for defective cell contractility in poor quality embryos.

    • Julie Firmin
    • , Nicolas Ecker
    •  & Jean-Léon Maître
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Synthetic cell adhesion molecules yield customized cell–cell interactions with adhesion properties that are similar to native interactions, and offer abilities for cell and tissue engineering and for systematically studying multicellular organization.

    • Adam J. Stevens
    • , Andrew R. Harris
    •  & Wendell A. Lim
  • Letter |

    A combination of structural, computational and biophysical tools is used to characterize the bond between tip-link proteins protocadherin 15 and cadherin 23, which have an essential role in inner-ear mechanotransduction; the bond, involving an extended protein handshake, is found to be affected by deafness mutations and is mechanically strong enough to resist forces in hair cells, adding to our understanding of hair-cell sensory transduction and interactions among cadherins.

    • Marcos Sotomayor
    • , Wilhelm A. Weihofen
    •  & David P. Corey