Drought articles within Nature


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Analysis of atmospheric data on two enantiomerically separated forms of monoterpene from a controlled drought and rewetting experiment in an enclosed tropical rainforest ecosystem showed distinct diel emission peaks, regulated by different production pathways.

    • Joseph Byron
    • , Juergen Kreuzwieser
    •  & Jonathan Williams
  • Letter
    | Open Access

    Oropetium thomaeum is a resurrection plant that can survive extreme water stress through desiccation to complete dryness, providing a model for drought tolerance; here, whole-genome sequencing and assembly of the Oropetium genome using single-molecule real-time sequencing is reported.

    • Robert VanBuren
    • , Doug Bryant
    •  & Todd C. Mockler
  • Outlook |

    Drought has wreaked havoc throughout history, destroying crops and causing famine and conflict. And it could be getting worse.

    • Olive Heffernan
  • Outlook |

    Farmers would benefit from better long-range weather forecasts. What else can science provide to help them decide what to plant?

    • Neil Savage
  • Outlook |

    Farmers must develop new approaches if they are to keep producing crops as water supplies dwindle.

    • Katherine Bourzac
  • Outlook |

    The threat of insects to agriculture is set to increase as the planet warms. What action can we take to safeguard our crops?

    • Amy Maxmen
  • Outlook |

    Improved crops have helped farmers maintain yields in times of drought. But as climate change looms, will the gains keep coming?

    • Michael Eisenstein